Meet Our Staff

Torren Gillespie Co-Owner, Operations

Zoo Med University Graduate, Red Rocks Community College Business Management and Marketing Certificate, STRONGS Adaptive Special Needs Instructor, First Aid and CPR,

From childhood, Torren's fascination with reptiles and invertebrates has been unwavering. They see these creatures not just as pets but as vital parts of our ecosystem, deserving of protection. Rejecting profit-driven approaches, Torren emphasizes ethical practices in the hobby.

Believing in the power of education, Torren strives to spread awareness and ethical knowledge about these animals. The true reward lies not in financial gain but in the opportunity to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world. By imparting ethical practices and spreading knowledge far and wide, Torren hopes to instill a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards reptiles and invertebrates, ensuring their continued existence for generations to come.

Vulture Gillespie: Co Owner, Animal  Specialist

( Owner Of Helping Hounds Dog Training)

2 year of livestock care, 1 year of veterinary medicine apprenticeship, 1 year at Angels With Paws, 4 years of K-9 training 

Vulture's love for animals is boundless, extending from the sleek scales of reptiles to the intricate world of invertebrates, and encompassing all creatures in between. His insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive him to seek out challenges and immerse himself in the fascinating realm of unique and even feisty creatures, from training dogs to tegus, he loves learning and breaking misconceptions.

With every encounter, Vulture finds himself captivated by the diverse behaviors and adaptations of the animal kingdom. His passion for learning is matched only by his enthusiasm for sharing his discoveries with others, spreading awareness and appreciation for the beauty and complexity of all living beings.

Whether faced with the force a boa or the delicate limbs of a mantis, Vulture approaches each interaction with reverence and excitement. His exploratory spirit fuels a deep-seated desire to understand and connect with the natural world, inspiring those around him to embrace curiosity and empathy in their own explorations of life's wonders.


Jayla Richer: Animal Handler 

K-9 First Aid & CPR, 9+ years of animal boarding and rehab experience,2 years of rehoming, health care, and behavioral analysis at Defiance County Humane Society, 8 years equestrian education. 

Jayla's journey into the world of herpetology is a testament to the transformative power of compassion and curiosity. While they once hesitated to interact with reptiles, their care for living things lead to a fateful encounter with an injured snake. In that moment, she discovered a newfound  passion for the reptile world.

Driven by a desire to make a difference,  learn new things, and help the people and animals they care for ,she overcame her fears and developed a deep connection with amphibians and snakes, recognizing their inherent beauty and value in the natural world.

Inspired by her own journey of growth and discovery, Jayla now works to spread education and awareness about these fascinating animals. Through her advocacy efforts, she strives to dispel myths and misconceptions, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation for all creatures among both enthusiasts and the general public.

Jayla is more than just an animal lover, she is a beacon of compassion in the reptile community. Whether rescuing injured animals or providing care and support to those in need, be they human, dog, lizard, or even spider, she embodies the true spirit of empathy and kindness, exemplifying the power needed to create positive change.